GOOD MORNING - Rihanna & Chris Brown A Happy Couple Again?

According to People magazine, Rihanna and Chris Brown are back together again, less than three weeks after Brown, 19, allegedly pummeled the "Umbrella" singer on Feb. 8.
At the moment, the couple are apparently spending time together at one of P-Diddy Combs's homes, on Miami Beach.
People reports that Brown called Rihanna on her 21st birthday one week ago, and the reconnection has been mutual.
Brown was booked by the LAPD, but the case has not yet been presented to the District Attorney, who will ultimately determine which charges, if any, will be prosecuted.
Lemme guess... none! He'll attend some anger management courses, and after a few weeks will be given a clean bill of mental health!
And what kind of mixed message, if any, is Rihanna sending to her myriad of youthful female fans, and, quite frankly, young girls everywhere, who have undoubtedly been watching this entire story unfold? Especially those who have blamed her for the beating she received, who will now likely feel reassured in their original "analysis" of the occurrence.
Or maybe they're both abusive to one another, and this is simply one of those drama-filled, co-dependent relationships that simply can't survive without this kind of negative fuel. After all, love is subjective, right?
But, as I certainly don't have every single fact of the story, maybe I shouldn't so quickly flog them.
However, for her sake, I certainly hope Rihanna has a solid support base who are behind her on all this. Facts have shown that abusive boyfriends/husbands/lovers tend to be repeat offenders, especially those who don't seek proper counseling.
Chris Brown is only 19 years old, and from all I've read, is the son of a man who was abusive to his mother. Now is the time for him to sever those ties before he too gets to an age when it'll be even more challenging to break free, and be reborn as a new man.
Certainly, we'll all be watching, I'm sure.