Another Weekend Is Upon Us...
Well, last night, my lovely city, New York, got hit with the worst snow storm we've seen in 2 years; and the snow continues to fall rather rapidly, traveling with strong gusts of wind along with it. See pic below.
Happy weekend to all!! Mine will be full of film screenings, including an ongoing Sydney Lumet retrospective at The Film Forum.
Also, this Sunday, the 24th of February, I’ll be joining the Invisible Woman as guests on AfroNerd Radio, with host dburt, talking about black cinema, past, present and future. The show airs live at 8PM EST, at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/Afronerd. Why watch the boring Oscar celebration when you could be listening to us???
AND, please to check out my "What Is A Black Film?" entry from earlier this week, and join the discussion. These are conversations that I believe we all need to be having but rarely do. So CLICK HERE to read all that's been said, and add your $.02.
Here's a picture I just took of the view outside my apartment living room window in Brooklyn. Obviously some shoveling needs to done, and hopefully I won't have do it!!