Episode 28 - The Obenson Report on Black Film / Cinema
Episode 28 - The Obenson Report on Black Film / Cinema
Sponsored in part by ActNow Foundation
Recorded Monday, December 10, 2007, 9PM
TRT 60 Minutes
- A brief preview of shows scheduled for early 2008 - actor/actress showcase, black filmmaker showcase, special guests/co-hosts, and more.
- Wrapping up the year, 3 more episodes to go in 2007. Planning a "year in review" show.
- Tambay's 34th birthday is in 3 weeks, the 28th of December, and announces his next feature film production.
- My review of Spike Lee's 2000 satire, BAMBOOZLED.
- An extensive breakdown of the "Capable Tenth Black Film Collective" Studio idea - non-profit VS for-profit; how exactly will it work? ACT NOW and CONTRIBUTE. Go to www.capabletenth.com to learn more, or contact me with questions/comments/suggestions!
Got something to say? Call the show's voicemail hotline at 1-800-765-7249 and leave a message there, and I might play your message on the show. OR, email me you comments at talk@obensonreport.com; or go to http://www.obensonreport.com/ and leave your comments.
Tambay A Obenson