Episode 27 - The Obenson Report on Black Film / Cinema
Episode 27 - The Obenson Report on Black Film / Cinema
Sponsored in part by ActNow Foundation
Recorded Monday, December 3, 2007, 9PM
TRT 60 Minutes
- Tambay revisited his "Capable Tenth" funded black owned and operated film studio idea, detailing how we (black people) can realize real film industry independence. Listen to learn how YOU can help, and please join in the discussion!
- The "Capable Tenth" funded black film studio. Please ACT NOW and CONTRIBUTE WHATEVER YOU CAN. Go to www.capabletenth.com to learn more.
Got something to say? Call the show's voicemail hotline at 1-800-765-7249 and leave a message there, and I might play your message on the show. OR, email me you comments at talk@obensonreport.com; or go to http://www.obensonreport.com/ and leave your comments.
Tambay A Obenson