Hey New Yorkers! Isn't it just great to be one! Numerous perks abound, especially for fans of Le Cinema... including the one below.
I posted an entry about this film in January as one of a few "Black Face Alerts" at this year's Sundance Film Festival, which you can read HERE.
Despite the overwhelmingly rave reviews it received from the audiences who saw it at the festival, the film failed to attract a distributor, and, as far as I know, still remains unsold.
And, likely as a way to maintain some of the public interest the film garnered at Sundance in January, the producers have scheduled 2 FREE screenings of the film at the Cinema Village theatres on Manhattan's lower east half. That's right - FREE! Although tickets are available on a first-come/first-serve basis, so if you want to be guaranteed a seat, be sure to get in line early!
See the image above for all the specs (days and times), and then reacquaint yourself with the film that SlashFilm calls “One of the Most Marketable Films of Sundance 2009“ by reading my original post on it, and watching the trailer below:
via /FILM
This looks like a total dude flick.
This looks hilarious. I may try to attend one of the screenings.