Leaked Terminator 4: Salvation Teaser Trailer (Christian Bale)
This probably won't last long, because it's a leaked trailer, which I'm sure Warner Bros won't like, and will have it pulled once they find out it exists! Rumor is that the trailer is supposed to play before The Dark Knight opening this weekend, which makes sense since both movies star Christian Bale. The movie doesn't come out until a year from now, by the way, but they're already beating the drums...
Watch it while you still can. This tape will self-destruct in 5, 4, 3, 2, ...
UPDATE 5:54PM: As expected, the video was pulled from YouTube! BUT, if you didn't catch it, it's now over at Yahoo's movie page here: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810025211/trailer. They may have had exclusive rights or something...
totally looking forward the new Terminator... Christian Bale tends to do a great job no matter what role he takes