This Could Be Interesting...
Here's something to keep an eye on as the project develops...
From Variety:
Columbia and Spider-Man director Sam Raimi are reuniting on The Given Day, an adaptation of an upcoming novel by Dennis Lehane, an author who's seen 3 of his other novels adapted - specifically the Clint Eastwood directed Mystic River, Ben Affleck's Gone Baby Gone, and Martin Scorsese has nearly completed production on Shutter Island, with Leonardo DiCaprio in the starring role.
Raimi will direct the yet to be published, The Given Day, which tells the story of two families – one black and one white – "swept up in a maelstrom of revolutionaries and anarchists, immigrants and ward bosses, Brahmins and “ordinary” citizens, all engaged in a battle for survival and power, in 1919 Boston, with the city in turmoil as soldiers are returning home from WWI, having brought back an epidemic of Spanish influenza."

Columbia and Spider-Man director Sam Raimi are reuniting on The Given Day, an adaptation of an upcoming novel by Dennis Lehane, an author who's seen 3 of his other novels adapted - specifically the Clint Eastwood directed Mystic River, Ben Affleck's Gone Baby Gone, and Martin Scorsese has nearly completed production on Shutter Island, with Leonardo DiCaprio in the starring role.
Raimi will direct the yet to be published, The Given Day, which tells the story of two families – one black and one white – "swept up in a maelstrom of revolutionaries and anarchists, immigrants and ward bosses, Brahmins and “ordinary” citizens, all engaged in a battle for survival and power, in 1919 Boston, with the city in turmoil as soldiers are returning home from WWI, having brought back an epidemic of Spanish influenza."
The novel is described as a “gritty," "political," "ambitious," and "epic," and will feature the most influential figures of the day – Babe Ruth, Eugene O’Neill, NAACP founder W.E.B. Du Bois, Calvin Coolidge and many others.
No word yet on when this will go into production, or which actors are being considered for what roles. The book hasn't even been published yet!! However, for obvious reasons, I'll certainly be interested in reading it when it is published by HarperCollins on Sept. 23. You can preeorder your copy HERE.
This sounds interesting too.