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Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones Sell Clinton Stories On Web For $1.99

Oh boy! This is rather unfortunate and distasteful on the part of the two women. But if good old Slick Willy can emerge from each scandal relatively unscathed and fairly well off financially, why shouldn't they? I guess a girl's gotta eat, right?

Side note: I'm not sure how Hillary was able to stomach each fiasco, one after the other - those that were publicized and those that weren't. There was Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, and now there are
rumors that he also had an affair with actress Gina Gershon. Likely there were others.

Anyway, according to CNN, Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones are offering Internet viewers the lurid details of encounters they claim they had with former President Clinton - for $1.99 a pop. No joke! Read the entire story HERE.


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