While You Were Sleeping...

Now that the coast is officially clear, thanks in large part to the US's help in getting rid of Sadam Hussein, and taking over Iraq under the pretense of global security and Hussein's supposed stash of WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction, which even Bush himself eventually confessed never existed), western oil companies are moving in to plant their individual flags, and claim their pieces of the mineral-rich pie... as expected!!
I can hear the voices in oil company corporate executive suites right now: We're rich biaaatch!
Isn't this what it was really about all along? And we wonder why others don't like us.
Watch out Iran, cause you're next... you'd better hope Obama wins the presidential seat, because McCain is gunning hard for you, and he's made no bones about it!
Read below from the Financial Times:
Shell is to become the first western oil company to sign a deal with the Iraqi government since the US-led invasion of 2003, agreeing a plan to capture and use gas in the Basra region that could be worth up to $4 billion.
Assem Jihad, oil ministry spokesman, told the Financial Times that following a green light from the cabinet, the ministry was inviting Shell to Baghdad next month to sign the deal.
“Europe is looking for supplies of gas from Iraq,” said Mr Jihad. “Security used to be a deterrent but now companies feel that security has improved and this will encourage others to come in.”
He added that the project would be run as a joint venture, with Shell taking 49 per cent and the oil ministry 51 per cent.
Shell said: “We are delighted with the government’s decision and look forward to signing the agreement in the near future.”
Read below from the Financial Times:
Shell is to become the first western oil company to sign a deal with the Iraqi government since the US-led invasion of 2003, agreeing a plan to capture and use gas in the Basra region that could be worth up to $4 billion.
Assem Jihad, oil ministry spokesman, told the Financial Times that following a green light from the cabinet, the ministry was inviting Shell to Baghdad next month to sign the deal.
“Europe is looking for supplies of gas from Iraq,” said Mr Jihad. “Security used to be a deterrent but now companies feel that security has improved and this will encourage others to come in.”
He added that the project would be run as a joint venture, with Shell taking 49 per cent and the oil ministry 51 per cent.
Shell said: “We are delighted with the government’s decision and look forward to signing the agreement in the near future.”
Full story here: SHELL CASHING IN
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