Obama And McCain Comparisons On The Issues

I'm not a citizen of this country, so I can't even vote, but I've lived here long enough to care. Those of you who are eligible to vote, I hope you know why you're voting for the person you intend to vote for.
Below are comparisons between Obama and McCain on "the issues," specifically the most debated and polarizing, like abortion, immigration, Iraq, health care, labor, environment, same sex unions, and others:
McCain has wobbled on his stance in recent years. But its safe to say that he is anti-abortion; however, he does believe that abortions should be legal only when the pregnancy is due to incest, rape, or when the life of the woman is endangered.
Obama supports a woman's unchallenged right to have an abortion, regardless of circumstance.
McCain is actually quite progressive in this area - moreso than most of his Republican counterparts. He supports amnesty/permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aliens as guest workers. Advocates tightening of the border by increasing patrols. He would increase the number of visas issued for agricultural workers. He supports relaxing the restrictions barring legal immigrants from using social programs such as food stamp, health care and housing.
Obama isn't that much different. He also supports amnesty / permanent legalization for illegal aliens and temporary legalization for illegal aliens as guest workers. He supports granting citizenship to illegal aliens already in the country as long as they pay the fines and back taxes, learn English, do not violate the law and go to the end of the line to become citizens. He supports efforts to build a fence along the Mexican border. He advocates tougher laws to keep illegal aliens from finding jobs and would create a program for employers to easily verify an applicant's immigration status.
McCain, in October 2002, voted to support a joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq and remains a very stark supporter of President Bush's policies, although he has criticized the management of the war. He's also called for troop increases in the country.
Obama on the otherhand, opposed the war resolution in 2002, and campaigned actively against it. He has been quoted as saying, "I am not opposed to all wars, I am opposed to dumb wars." He obviously opposes the present troop increase, supports a phased redeployment. He has said in the April, 2007 debate, "there's no military solution to this. We've got to have a political solution, begin a phased withdrawal, and make certain that we've got benchmarks in place so that the Iraqi people can make a determination about how they want to move forward."
McCain opposes universal health care, and instead supports tax credits to eligible families. He would open health care markets by allowing providers to practice nationwide, rather tha restricting them regionally, allowing the purchase of health insurance across state lines.
Obama supports universal health care BUT, only for children (at least intially). He says he will create a national public insurance program that would allow individuals and small businesses to buy affordable health care similar to that available to federal employees. His plan would require all employers to contribute toward health coverage for their employees or toward the cost of the public plan, and will create a national health insurance exchange to reform the private insurance market.
McCain also surprised me a little bit on this issue, straying away a little from his Republican counterparts. He supports same sex civil unions, but not marriage, and believes that the same-sex marriage issue should be decided by individual states, instead of the federal government.
Obama, like McCain also supports civil unions, but not same-sex marriages, unlike many Liberals. He also believes that the same-sex marriage issue should be decided by individual states.
Obama, like McCain also supports civil unions, but not same-sex marriages, unlike many Liberals. He also believes that the same-sex marriage issue should be decided by individual states.
Both candidates recognize the consequences of global warming, and endorse policies that do the same.
Both candidates support the death penalty, although Obama is more discriminating.
McCain wants to make the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 permanent. He wants to double the deduction for dependents to $7,000 to help those raising families. He would forbid Internet and cell phone taxes.
Obama wants to allow the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 to expire as scheduled for Americans earning more than $250,000 a year, and would raise taxes on that group. He would also raise taxes on capital gains and dividends and give tax breaks for low and middle-income Americans. He proposes a $500 per person or $1,000 per family payroll tax credit for middle class taxpayers. Obama advocates the elimination of income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000. He wants to close corporate tax loopholes and end deductions for industries such as oil and gas. He plans to introduce tax penalties for US companies that keep their profits overseas.
McCain would likely oppose legislation in Congress making it easier for employees to unionize.
Obama on the otherhand supports legislation that would make it easier for unions to organize, and favors giving part-time employees vacation and sick pay. He also supports a “living” wage and ensuring that the minimum wage matches inflation.
McCain opposes network neutrality.
Obama supports it.
McCain supports FDA regulation of tobacco products, but opposed the SCHIP (State Children's Health Insurance Program) bill last year that would have raised tobacco taxes by $0.61.
Obama also supports FDA regulation of tobacco products, as well as raising the tobacco tax by $0.061 to help pay for SCHIP.
Obviously this doesn't cover every single issue, but if you didn't know, or were unclear about any of the above before, now you know...
If Obama fails to win in '08, we can support Gaius Baltar in '12, he's got the experience & sheer deviousness to beat any candidate, from any party, I think:
"(From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaius_Baltar)
Baltar, with Zarek as his close political advisor, proceeds to run a bitterly contentious campaign against Roslin. He is far behind Roslin in the polls during most of the election and is able to make limited progress only by painting her as a dangerous religious fundamentalist. With little time remaining before the election, a desolate but habitable planet is accidentally discovered in a region of space where heavy electromagnetic interference makes navigation and long-range observation very difficult. Baltar, although he has no personal desire to settle on the planet, announces that he will begin immediate civilian settlement of "New Caprica" if elected. With Roslin opposed to settlement on the planet, Baltar's popularity quickly rises. Fearing that she will lose the presidential race, Roslin holds a private meeting with Baltar, asking to deliver a joint statement of tabling the issue of colonization until after the election (which he rejects). Roslin then confronts Baltar on whether he was with a copy of Number Six on Caprica before the Cylon attack (At the height of her illness from cancer, Roslin had a flashback of an encounter between Baltar and Number Six prior to the Cylon attack, but was not able to fully process her memories at the time). Baltar avoids answering the question and leaves.
Due to his support for settlement of New Caprica, the election promptly swings in Baltar's favor and, after an attempted conspiracy to commit voting fraud fails to keep Roslin in power (organized by Roslin herself), he wins a narrow victory and is sworn in as president."
Thank you for posting this. Simple facts!!! Sometimes we get so caught up in the hype and excitement of the speeches and the pomp and circumstance that we forget to just stick to the ISSUES!!!