Trailer: Confessionsofa Ex-Doofus-ItchyFooted Mutha
Here it is... the trailer for Melvin Van Peebles' next film, Confessionsofa Ex-Doofus-ItchyFooted Mutha. I'm not sure what to make of it... If his name wasn't on the marquee, I don't know if I would take what I see here very seriously! It looks like a mosh-pit of ideas. I certainly hope they all gel when I get to see the film later this month, April 27, 2008, at the Tribeca Film Festival. And was that Mario I saw in the trailer? Father and son working together again, hopefully with different results.

At the risk of catching hell, I would say that Mr Van Peebles is a legend for his protest films, not his filmmaking, per se.
I guess he was the Spike Lee of his day. They were/are both 'angry black men' and rightly so but, while I respect the role they have both played in Black/African-American culture and cinema, this doesn't necesarily make for good movies, just iconic ones.
But then, not being an American and, specifically, an African-American, what do I know?
Although I'm pretty sure there are others who share your sentiments, African American or not.
With all due respect to Brer Soul, the sound work on this project sounds a little dodgy. And might there be a loose-dentures problem as well?
Still, I envy your opportunity to see it, Tambay. What a creative life he has led.