Groan... Sigh... Bleh...
I don't know about everybody else, but I've just about had enough of the race for the democratic party nomination. I'm quickly becoming indifferent to it all, with all the trivial b.s. being tossed around... from all sides. I groan every time I hear words like primary, or pledged delegate, or superdelegate. I don't recall any recent party contests being this strenuous and prolonged. It all helps the other guy (McCain), unfortunately.
The entire nomination campaign process seems unnecessarily lengthy and complicated.
Enough already!
I think those voting between the two (HC and BO) know very well who their man (or woman) is by now. If you don't know, then you haven't been paying attention.
August can't come quickly enough...
The entire nomination campaign process seems unnecessarily lengthy and complicated.
Enough already!
I think those voting between the two (HC and BO) know very well who their man (or woman) is by now. If you don't know, then you haven't been paying attention.
August can't come quickly enough...
When the next news segment is on the election . . .click. I turn the channel. I am so tired of the whole thing, too.